2022 Weekend

Speaker: Andrew Sach

Andrew serves part-time at Grace Church Greenwich, and part-time as a tutor on the Cornhill Training Course, helping to train other preachers. He has been a regular speaker at university missions and is the co-author of several books with decreasingly-imaginative titles: Dig Deeper (2005), Dig Even Deeper (2010) and Dig Deeper into the Gospels (2015). He has a background in science that began with an explosives factory in his parents’ garage aged 15 and ended with a PhD on why two ears are better than one. He enjoys playing Bach on the piano and attempting to pour nice shapes in his coffee with frothed milk. He has 8 godchildren.

Catch Up on the Main Sessions

1. Introductory Session & Interview with Andrew Sach

2. The Sovereign Creator

3. The Sovereign Saviour

4. God’s Sovereignty, Suffering and Evil