Pre School

Little Stars
Little Stars is a FREE group for children of 0-3 years and their parent/carers held on Mondays between 9.30 and 11.15 during term-time.
We aim to provide a fun, safe and enjoyable environment for children to play and their parent/carers to socialise. A variety of toys are provided for play as well as some crafts. We have a regular time for singing and bible story time. We also provide drinks and snacks.
We are a Christian group so our story time and some of our songs reflect that, but everyone is very welcome to come along.
“… you shine like stars in the universe, as you hold out the word of life…” Philippians 2 v 15-16
Thursday Youth Clubs
Primary School

Club16 is our weekly group for kids aged 5-11 years who are in school years 1-6. Every Thursday evening in term time we meet from 6-7pm. We pack the hour full of games, craft, stories, memory verses, singing and quizzes.
Club16 is planned to work on a 5 year cycle during which we aim to cover the major stories of the Bible in our meeting time. We try and make learning verses and remembering the stories as much fun as possible.
If you have children old enough to come why not bring them yourself and see what we do? New children are always welcome. See you there!
Secondary School

Ignite is our weekly club that runs during term time for children in school years 7-13 (ages 11-18).
No week at Ignite is the same! Each week is different. We play sports, games, have competitions, try art and craft and we occasionally take trips to local activities. We usually finish with some hot snacks and it’s not unusual for us to have the odd visit to the local chip shop.
We always take time to hear what God has to say to us through the Bible, so each week we will either hear a talk from the Bible, have small group studies or have a question and answer time on what we have been learning, where no question is off limits! We often hear from leaders or members of the congregation about how God has been at work in their lives. All of this shows us how relevant the bible is to us today and it helps us to apply it in our daily lives.
Our youth come from a variety of local schools. We are quite a relaxed and friendly bunch and welcome new comers. We meet on Thursdays from 7:30-9pm during the regular school term and would love you to come along if you are in school years 7-13.
Summer Activities

This is a yearly Holiday Club for children and young people going into school years 1-10 (aged 5-16yrs).
Each year there is a different theme based on teaching from the Bible. We have 3 age groups (yrs1-3, Yrs 4-6 and Yrs 7-10).
Our time is filled with crafts, games, memory verses, quizzes singing (for the younger age groups) and lessons from the Bible. We enjoy an open session for family and friends at the end of the last day where we share something of what we have been doing in the week followed by a picnic in the garden.
This is a great, fun filled week – all children yrs 1-10 welcome.

IPC By the Sea

This is the annual Youth Camp run by IPC Ealing, and it is for all those who are secondary school age. We guarantee you this will be a great week. We spend time learning about who God is from the Bible through talks and small group studies, with lots of time for questions and discussion.
It’s an active week and we always enjoy big group games and everyone talks about the daily trips to the beach. It’s always lots of fun and the food is delicious. This really is the best week of the Summer, a week not to be missed!