We’re delighted the Revd Dr Richard Turnbull will be leading a series of five evenings exploring the central role of business in God’s plan. We will discuss key themes, Scriptural and theological foundations, as well as ethical challenges.
Sessions will run on Monday evenings, 7.30pm to 8.45pm via Zoom.
18th January: A biblical theology of work
22nd February: The Divine imperative of wealth creation
15th March: Call and vocation: the beginning of ethics
19th April: Enterprise and entrepreneurship
24th May: In person discussion evening. Will now be online
Rev Dr Richard Turnbull
Richard is the Director of the Centre for Enterprise, Markets and Ethics, a think-tank which promotes a market economy built upon the ethics and values of the Christian faith (www.theceme.org). He is a Chartered Accountant, pastored a church in Basingstoke and was Principal of a theological college (Wycliffe Hall, Oxford). He has authored several books, and is also a visiting Professor at St Mary’s University, Twickenham.
Sign up
If you’d like to join click here to sign up. We’ll send you further details with the Zoom link in due course.