William Chalmers Burns prayed this on a Saturday in September 1839. He was in the midst of that remarkable work of God in Dundee whilst Robert Murray McCheyne was in Israel.
“Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly! O scatter the clouds and mists of unbelief which exhale afresh from the stagnant marshes in my natural heart, the habitation of dragons, and pour afresh upon my ransomed soul a full flood of thy divine light and love and joy, in the effulgence of which all sin dies, and all the graces of the Spirit bloom and breathe their fragrance!
Nor do I pray for myself alone, but all my dear friends, and for my father, mother, brothers and sisters, and for all the people here; and for all ministers of every name whom Jesus hath called to preach his gospel, and for all who shall tomorrow hear or read glad tidings of great joy which shall yet be to all people!
Lord, hasten the latter-day glory! Come quickly, and reign without bounds and without end! And now wash me in thy blood, whose price I cannot tell, but need to cleanse me, so great a transgressor am I.
Glory be thee, O Lamb of God, and to thee, O Father, and to thee, O Holy Ghost, eternal and undivided! Amen”
God’s Polished Arrow – W.C.Burns – Michael McMullen, p38 Christian Focus Publications